Mike and I showed up at our appointment on December 15th in Salt Lake City.... so nervous. Well I guess I was the only one. The morning of I was stressing out about the pros and cons and the different future things we may have to worry about with each sex. Haha I was already worried about this child as a teenager. Mike assured me that we have time and not to over think it. I agreed but still had the butterflies.
The Tech asked us what we thought the sex was... For weeks we'd been pretty convinced that we had a little man on the way. WRONG- the tech wrote GIRL with an arrow. We were shocked but so excited! I automatically began to think about all the cute girl things that I could buy. Wow and there is a lot of it out there!
THE UNVEILING- We got the family together, popped the DVD in that they made of the Ultra Sound. Oh don't worry it didn't work!! It was so lame! So we just gave them the pictures and had them figure it out. It turned out so good, I wouldn't have changed it. My mom was so shocked when she saw the word 'girl' she's been so used to always getting grandsons. Haha there was a lot of screaming and hugs. Ah I love my family, Anna's going to have the best Grandmas!
This is me at 20 weeks...
23 weeks...Then all the sudden she stretched out!! She's been kicking like crazy! Ah I'm so blessed to experience motherhood.
This is me at 20 weeks...
23 weeks...Then all the sudden she stretched out!! She's been kicking like crazy! Ah I'm so blessed to experience motherhood.